Optimum Men’s Health

Men’s Heart, Digestive, Respiratory, Mental, Reproductive Health All Covered And Much More! An In-Depth Guide to Men’s Health Issues Including Prevention and Treatment Options










List of chapters included in the book


Chapter 1

Understanding the Top Men’s Health Issues

Chapter 2

Men’s Heart Health

Chapter 3

Men’s Digestive Health

Chapter 4

Men’s Respiratory Health

Chapter 5

Men’s Mental Health

Chapter 6

Men’s Reproductive Health

Chapter 7

Other Health Issues

Chapter 8

Nutrition and Exercise

Chapter 9

Frequently Asked Questions


or in physical paperback

Optimum Men’s Health: An In-Depth Guide

Many men underestimate the importance of a simple annual physical and routine screenings, not realizing that these things could make the difference between catching a serious disease in the early stages and dying from it. As a man, you need to take responsibility for your health and that means educating yourself about the top men’s health issues.

If you want to achieve and maintain optimum health, you need to understand the risk factors for disease and do everything you can to prevent them. That is where this book comes in! In this book, you will find a wealth of information about common men’s health issues including cardiovascular issues, digestive health problems, and mental health issues. In reading this book you will come to understand how each of the systems in your body works and how it impacts your overall health and wellbeing. Furthermore, you will receive an overview of common health problems affecting each of the major systems in your body so you know what to look for. Your health is not something you should be taking for granted – you can lose it in an instant. So, if you are ready to take responsibility for yourself and your health, simply open this book and start reading! Men’s Heart, Digestive, Respiratory, Mental, Reproductive Health All Covered And Much More!


Jon Shelton came to fitness, nutrition, and bodybuilding the hard way — through sweat and perseverance. Taking a firm stance against steroid and drug use, Shelton is an advocate for targeted supplement use in concert with a well planned, healthy diet to optimize body appearance and performance.
Although a self-professed gym rat, Shelton’s books are aimed at people of all ages and fitness levels. “It’s never too late to get moving,” Shelton says, “and it’s never too late to start sculpting your body. Just pick a goal and then find the safest and most efficient way to attain it.”

Unlike many writers in the fitness field, Shelton has no contractual ties to any company. “If I tell you a machine is great, it’s because I’ve used it,” he says. “If I tell you about a product, it’s because I’ve used it with good results. Nobody is paying me to say anything.”

In his early twenties, Shelton went from being an overweight, out of shape couch potato to a fit and healthy athlete over the course of one year. “I wrote everything down,” he said. “What did work and what didn’t. I told myself I didn’t ever want to have to work that hard again, so I was going to keep up with what I was doing.”

Actually, Star admits that she writes about everything. “I’m never without my notebook,” she laughs. “I fill up book after book with journal entries, sketches, and ideas. One day I looked at the shelf over my desk just bulging with all those notes and thought I’d try to share some of my ideas.”
Now Star sees writing as part of her personal path, likening the gathering of information and the sharing of the material to a kind of active meditation. “If we get back what we put out into the universe,” Star says, “I want to make sure I’m sending the clearest signal possible.”

She keeps herself open to all ideas and all philosophies. “There’s just no one way to express or experience this miracle of existence,” she says. “I really don’t know who or what is running the show, so I try to be nice to priests and oak trees. That’s not a joke. All life and all belief is sacred.”

Above all, she holds to the key moral tenet of her Wiccan faith, The Wiccan Rede, “An Ye harm none, do what ye will.”

Jon Shelton




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“Optimum Men’s Health: An In-Depth Guide”